You can be a blogger… or a vlogger. Or maybe – influencer on multiple platforms.

You can publish content on YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, and even eBooks on Amazon and full-blown online courses on Udemy.

But is it worth it?

Yeah, some people make big money doing stuff like this and that’s their full-time occupation.

Their own business…

But what about the web developers with high-paid jobs, you may ask?

Do they need to publish content online?

I believe they do.

Let me give you an example: 

Just a month after I started publishing statuses and articles, my inbox became busier with job offers.

That’s not what surprised me…

What surprised me was that I started receiving opportunities for higher job titles. Suddenly I became suitable for senior and even lead positions all over the world. 

Heck, I’ve got several cool offers for somebody with TypeScript & React (my new stack) too.

Pretty good result, given that I still don’t have articles published by some popular web development sites. Something that’s on my list.

So is it worth it? Definitely.

Even if you don’t plan to change your current employer, a couple of articles can dramatically boost your status in the company. 

Especially if they’re published not by you on your blog but by 
popular media.