Whenever a bug related to my work pops out of nowhere, I start feeling like a piece of… thing.

Depending on the bug’s severity, I can see in the mirror a tiny, little brown thing or a dinosaur’s stack of things. And sometimes, I feel all my credibility is lost.

“I should know better than that,” is my first thought every time.

I think no developer can say that they have never experienced something like this. That they write perfect code, which never fails to deliver the desired result. And without any side effects whatsoever.

So this is a common issue in our profession.

I have no unique way to deal with the anxiety a broken code provokes in me.

When a bug occurs, I need to fix it and find out why it happened in the first place. I feel a lot better when the problem is resolved, and the commit has just been deployed.

And what’s left of the bad feeling, I heal with the help of a nice sleep.