“Hello, Blockchain! Nice to meet you…”

In a few days, I will release a beta version of my application. The idea is to gather some user opinions, comments and suggestions.

So I can refine the user interface in a way people want it to be and later make the big launch.

I have a document with over 3000 words, full of ideas for additional free and paid extras to the free basic functionality. This document includes a 5-year plan for developing and marketing my startup idea.

But if you think I’ll stop here, you’re wrong…

For a long time now, I have been chased by an extremely exciting vision for the first decentralized application for On-page, Off-page and Technical SEO.

The project has the potential to drastically change the SEO industry globally, becoming the “decentralized default system” used by every professional optimizer for higher productivity, networking and better results.

The journey starts with buying this book:

And the code name of the project is BuhalBu’s Kit: Web3 Tools.

I have learned from wise people that there is no better resolution at the end of a journey than to start planning the next one.

It is too early to talk about the end of my adventures with the current project, which I renamed from BuhalBu’s Kit: Free SEO Tools for Winning It All The Smart Way to BuhalBu’s Kit: Smart SEO Checklists For Winning It All The Smart Way.

But this new project will be the next phase or version 2.0 of BuhalBu’s Kit, which will not only build on what has already been done but will also introduce Web3 technologies as a major innovation.

I slap my hands and stop typing right here …

You haven’t seen the first version yet, and I’m talking about the second. That doesn’t sound serious. So I’m publishing this post and I’m going to read the book.