There are a bunch of people that wonder why so many of them support the ideas of open societies, equal rights, the fight against racism, etc.

The answer isn’t so complex:

If you manage a company that operates on several continents, you not only have to sell to customers with different cultures but often you have to create and lead multicultural teams of well-educated and capable professionals.

So in this situation, you can’t afford to openly and willingly prioritize one “race” over another, one nationality over another, etc.

Not only it would be wrong by itself, but it will repel your customers and workers…

I’m not saying that such things don’t happen in real life, but it would be disastrous if the company’s policies promote them instead of looking to soften them up or eradicate them where it’s possible.

So if you ask yourself “Why? Why I need to follow these policies”, now you know:

It’s one of the things that put you and me in a position to work for successful, prestigious, and well-paying companies.

Moreover, it’s the right thing to do…